Concrete type
Betonproduktion der Anlage
30 m³/h
Fassungsvermögen Zuschlagstoffbehälter


  • Horizontal Twin axle Mixer


  • Mobile Nassbetonmischanlage mit Planetenmischer
  • Stundenproduktion 30 m³/h gerüttelter Beton
  • FiveTech 500 S  is a mobile plant ideal for the Construction Companies and/or Packaging Companies which ask for a high performance level of the plant, but above all concrete high quality level
  • The batching plant is constituted by only one unit, pre-assembled and pre-cabled, transportable on container OPEN TOP 40” or on lowering bed trailer
  • The aggregate storage group, with total output of 40 cu.m, is divided in 4 compartments with double loading size
  • FiveTech 500 S has a planetary mixer with 0, 5 cu.m. concrete output per cycle, with a maximum hourly production equal to 30 cu.m.
Technical features SI UNITS US UNITS
Theoretical hourly output 30* m3/h 40* yd3/h
Aggregate storage 26÷34 m3 34÷44 yd3
Aggregate storage bins 4 n° 4 n°
Discharge gates/Pneumatic cylinders 4/4 n° 4/4 n°
Aggregate weighing hopper 2 m3 2.6 yd3
Aggregate weighing system 1500 kg 3,300 lb
Cement weighing hopper 0,3 m3 0,4 yd3
Cement weighing system 300 kg 660 lb
Water weighing hopper 120 L 31 gal
Extractor belt with sheet 650 mm 140 m3/h 183 yd3/h
Skip 750 L 200 gal
Planetary mixer 750/500 L 198/132 gal
Air compressor 270 L 71 gal 
Operating voltage 400 V 460 V
Operating frequency 50/60 Hz 60 Hz 
Absorbed electrical power** 60/45 HP/kW 60/45 HP/kW
Installed electrical power** 82/60 HP/kW 82/60 HP/kW

* 30" mixing time; 15" unloading time-  ** basic version and for n.2 silos