Our customers are our business partners. Their needs are our primary focus. For this reason, CIFA offers ‘CIFA Academy’ courses alongside its products.

Scopri l’offerta dei corsi CIFA ACADEMY

Filtra per corso

Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
4-7 March
Tailor Made Base (T01)
12-14 March
Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
18-20 March
Corso Operatori
21-22 March
Trailer Pumps (A25)
9-10 April
Tailor Made Base (T01)
10-12 April
Tailor Made Base (T01)
16-18 April
Rinnovo Operatori
19 April
Truck Mixer + CSD (A19 + A25)
22-23 April
Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
7-9 May
EN-12001 (A15+A17)
13-14 May
Carbon Repair (A12)
15-16 May
Technical Updating (T04)
20-21 May
Corso Operatori
23-24 May
Tailor Made Base (T01)
4-6 June
EN-12001 (A15+A17)
10-11 June
Carbon Repair (A12)
12-13 June
Rinnovo Operatori
14 June
Technical Updating (T04)
17-18 June
Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
9-11 July
Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
6-18 July
Trailer Pumps (A25)
22-23 July
Corso Operatori
25-26 July
Tailor Made Base (T01)
3-5 September
Technical Updating (T04)
9-10 September
Rinnovo Operatori
13 September
Technical Updating (T04)
16-17 September
Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
8-10 October
EN-12001 (A15+A17)
14-15 October
Carbon Repair (A12)
16-17 October
21-24 October
Corso Operatori
24-25 October
Tailor Made Base (T01)
5-7 November
Technical Updating (T04)
11-12 November
Rinnovo Operatori
15 November
EN-12001 (A15+A17)
18-19 November
Carbon Repair (A12)
20-21 November
Tailor Made Level 1 (T02)
10-12 December
Corso Operatori
16-17 December

To find out more, please complete the form.


CIFA Academy’s mission is to help customers achieve maximum productivity when using concrete machinery, while complying with the safety rules. We are aware that intelligent use of machinery also means cutting maintenance costs
Our trainers are dedicated tutors with technical expertise, and the sessions also involve practical training, depending on the type of activity.
On completion of the course, CIFA Academy issues a certificate of participation and the teaching materials presented in the training room.


Over 5,000 m² dedicated to theoretical and practical courses. CIFA has chosen to hold the Academy’s activities within its facilities in Senago (Milan) and Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantua) to enable participants to combine both theory and practice and to visit the departments at the heart of the company.


CIFA Academy is located within CIFA’s facilities. In addition to the in-depth theoretical activities, participants also work in the workshops and the test field with concrete machinery.


Course participants are managed by a dedicated trainer, supported by qualified technical staff from the Research and Development Department (R&D), to ensure the provision of rigorously up-to-date and high-level training elements.


The training rooms at our facilities in Senago (Milan) and Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantua) are used exclusively for training and are equipped with multimedia tools.
The CIFA Museum, at our Senago facility, is a space for practical and interactive training as well as a useful tool for learning about the evolution of the sector an machinery. Visit the museum.


Created and equipped for training activities, it enables our trainers to practically demonstrate to our customers how ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations are performed. It also permits training and guidance of the specialist technicians from our repair shops in troubleshooting procedures and operations.


Our new training features include a dirt patch obstacle course designed to reproduce true working conditions. The test field makes it possible to safely perform and perfect all kinds of manoeuvres. Workers and technicians can practise starting up machinery and operating and stabilising it themselves. Concrete batching plants and mixing systems are available for closer examination of their operating systems. It is also possible to test out start-up and operation of underground machinery (shotcrete machines for spraying concrete in tunnels and/or mines).


The TEC, CIFA’s research and experimentation center, adds value to the CIFA Academy’s training activities through the possibility of carrying out practical operating tests of components difficult to access when installed in machines and on a construction site.. The TEC makes it possible to perform tests of pumping units using a test bench that simulates the real working conditions of the machine’s hydraulic circuit. Adjustments to hydraulic components can be made. There is also a cabin for safely carrying out repairs to components made from composite materials and an area for understanding the operation of electronic and electrical systems installed in the machines.


Knowledge of current products stems from the evolution of products and materials over time. The showroom area features a chronological journey (from past to present), designed so that customers may start at a product’s origins and finish in our times. At the end of the historical journey,  customers enter the multimedia area, equipped with simulators and 3D videos, through which they can test out product operation in a 3D virtual environment.