
All shotcrete pump models can be customised to meet the needs of particular projects. Thanks to its record-long experience in underground job sites, CIFA has developed a comprehensive range of machines dedicated to every phase of the concrete supply chain in this demanding environment often requiring the highest level of service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Specific solutions for both mining and tunneling world have been refined, delivering high performance and reliability with the strongest focus on operational safety. Every job site has specific needs and CIFA has a long history of fulfilling any requirement through specific customization. Nature is the source of inspiration for our underground range, and we have named the models after animals with similar physical or behavioural characteristics. "Inspired by nature" refers to more than just the names of machines, it also describes our goals and aspirations when designing this range. We aim to make these CIFA machines as eco-friendly as possible, respectful of the environment and people, and able to transform the (notoriously unhealthy) underground construction site into a sustainable ecosystem. 

CST 8.20